TESTFunda Weekly Newsletter 18th October

GMAT- An exam accepted over 4,800 graduate management programs worldwide!
Whether your future career involves technology or banking, wind farms or pharmaceuticals, social enterprise or consulting, a graduate management degree can help you turn your passion into prosperity. The first step: Gain admission to a business, management, or related programme by taking the GMAT exam. Here are your answers to the WHYs, WHENs and HOWs of the GMAT exam. Know more about the worldwide accepted exam here
Weekly Dose of GK and Current Affairs from Oct 11th to Oct 17th
This section will let you keep abreast of all the important news and latest happenings around the world without looking at different sources across the internet.
CMAT Sept 2012 Results Out!
ATMA entrance exam is scheduled to be conducted on 9th December
IBPS CWE PO Results Declared!
The results for the IBPS CWE (PO) conducted on 17th June have been declared. To view your results click on the above link.
IBPS CWE Clerical goes online
Common Written Examination [CWE] for recruitment in clerical cadre in public sector banks goes online and will be conducted in December 2012 tentatively.
Share your CAT 2012 Experience
All the ups and downs, the joys and sorrows, a few tips maybe. Use this space as a platform to express about the adventure that CAT 2012 was for you. Earn up to 1000 reward points for sharing your experience.
Results for the 'Reporter of the day Contest'
The contest was held between the 14th and 17th of October. On Friday, the 19th of October, we will announce the names of those who made their mark.
Reporter for the day - Part II
Get a chance to feature on TestFunda. Write a brief article on any topic from the current news and get your article published on TestFunda.
TF Expert CAT 2012 experience – Gaurav Dave
Click on the above link to read CAT 2012 – Third Day, First Slot – Gaurav's Experience
NMAT 2013 v/s CAT 2012 – A Qualitative Comparison
Read a comparison of CAT and NMAT (in terms of content, exam experience etc.) by our content expert who took both the exams.
Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode presents BACKWATERS
Backwaters is the Annual B-School Meet of the Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode (IIMK). Backwaters will be held between 9th-11th November this year and will enthuse and excite all involved by throwing down the gauntlet to the next-gen MBAs with newer and smarter events.
Navratri Special
NMAT TC @ Rs. 200 | Mini CAT TC @ 500 and more
Flat Rs. 99/- less on all TF's Courseware
Ends on Dusherra.
Note: Waiver not applicable on individual tests.
7 Months to UPSC Preliminary Examination
Prepare and Clear with 3 special Courseware
Available at an Introductory Cost
Procure here
Nobel Peace prize for the European Union
This year's Nobel peace prize has been awarded to the European Union. The European Union has been instrumental in bringing peace and to the continent from the last fifty years helping it rise from the aftermath of World War II.
Vikram Pandit resigns as Citigroup's CEO
The Citigroup's CEO Vikram Pandit has stepped down, making way for Michael Corbat, who was previously serving the bank's chief for Europe, the Middle East and Africa. The news has sent shock waves in Wall Street.
Baumgartner breaks world record: jumps from the edge of space
Serge Haroche of France and David Wineland of the US have won the Nobel Prize for work in quantum physics that could one day open the way to revolutionary computers. The pair is being honoured for their pioneering optical experiments in "measuring and manipulation of individual quantum systems." In the field of medicine, the discovery of mature cells that can be reprogrammed to become pluripotent helped Sir John B. Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka to bag the coveted Nobel Prize.
The evidence leading to life term ban on Armstrong disclosed: Armstrong-doctor nexus unearthed
The US Anti-Doping Agency (Usada) has disclosed the evidence that had led to a life term ban on the erstwhile professional cycling champion Lance Armstrong earlier in the year. The evidence projects him as a linchpin of a sophisticated doping ring where the team-mates were coerced into following a performance enhancing programme run by the infamous doctor Michele Ferrari.
V Balakrishnan steps down as Infosys' CFO
Infosys has announced that V Balakrishnan will resign as Chief Financial Officer effective 31 October. Rajiv Bansal, VP-Finance will be replacing him from 1 November. Infosys claims that he has willingly stepped down to give the younger generation a chance.
Pakistani teen activist survives assassination attempt by Taliban
Malala Yousufzai, the 14 year old Pakistani teenager who was shot in the head by Taliban Millitia, has survived the attack. She was flown from Islamabad on 15 th October morning in a specially equipped air ambulance to UK for prolonged care. Malala is a 14 year old activist for children's rights in the Pakistan's troubled Swat Valley.
Read these and more articles here
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- TestFunda is backed by www.ZeusLearning.com. 3 IIT-IIM graduates form the Management Team.
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- For 12 years Zeus has created award-winning courseware for companies like Discovery Channel, Reader's Digest, Texas Instruments, Pearson Education.
- The TestFunda Advisory Board comprises CEOs and MDs of international educational companies.
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