
Showing posts from May 24, 2014

HouseholdHacker just uploaded a video

HouseholdHacker has uploaded 6 Uses for Windex You Should Know Windex... the alpha and the...                                               HouseholdHacker has uploaded 6 Uses for Windex You Should Know 6 Uses for Windex You Should Know HouseholdHacker Windex... the alpha and the omega of cleaning sprays, often rumored to fix just about any problem. After lots of experimentation we've put together a list of 6 unusual uses for windex, let's streak on in. 1. It's starting to get hot out and the bugs are out in force. Lucky for you, windex can be used to kill these pests on the spot or even used as a barrier to prevent ants from entering your home. 2. Did the bacon you cooked leave some splash damage all over your stove top? Bust out the windex a...