TESTfunda Daily Wordlist 31-Dec-11
If you're having trouble viewing this email, see today's Wordlist on the Web. 31-Dec-11 TestFunda Home | Sign up for Newsletters | Feedback Daily Wordlist Vocabulary Flashcards | Vocabulary Test | Previous Wordlists peremptory [ puh'-REMP-tuh'-ree, PER-uh' mp-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee ] [ adjective ] MEANING : 1. that cannot be challenged, refused or changed 2. dictatorial or imperative 3. (law) one that cannot be questioned, changed or denied 4. assertive in behaviour 5. urgent or commanding in nature USAGE EXAMPLE 1 : The District magistrate issued a peremptory command to the police to quell the riots. USAGE EXAMPLE 2 : While he still makes placatory noises about the Left, his erstwhile allies are yet to stop smarting from the peremptory manner in which they were asked to get off the bus. The Times of India, Terror, inflation may dampen N-celebrations, ...