TESTfunda Daily Wordlist 06-Nov-12
If you're having trouble viewing this email, see today's Wordlist on the Web. 06-Nov-12 TestFunda Home | Sign up for Newsletters | Feedback Daily Wordlist Vocabulary Flashcards | Vocabulary Test | Previous Wordlists onerous [ ON-er-uh' s, OH-ner- ] [ adjective ] MEANING : 1. arduous, burdensome or oppressive 2. legal obligations overshadowing advantages USAGE EXAMPLE 1 : He found the onerous duties of being a Prime Minister too taxing and was secretly relieved when his party lost the parliamentary elections. USAGE EXAMPLE 2 : We are talking about a standard verification package. This is not onerous; this is not unusual in terms of trying to verify activities that may have taken place. CNN, U.S. envoy to travel to N. Korea for nuclear talks, From Charley Keyes, September 29, 2008 sardonic [ sahr-DON-ik ] [ adjec...