TESTfunda Daily Wordlist 18-Sep-12
If you're having trouble viewing this email, see today's Wordlist on the Web. 18-Sep-12 TestFunda Home | Sign up for Newsletters | Feedback Daily Wordlist Vocabulary Flashcards | Vocabulary Test | Previous Wordlists profane [ pruh'-FEYN, proh- ] [ verb, adjective ] MEANING : 1. (v.) to debase, defile by an unworthy or wrong use. 2. (n.) to treat with contempt or irreverence 3. (adj.) devoted to unholy, heathen purposes 4. (adj.) characterised by contempt or disrespect for god or all sacred principles USAGE EXAMPLE 1 : Bhagwan Rajneesh's cult was regarded as profane by all major religious bodies and, as a consequence, he was deported from the US. USAGE EXAMPLE 2 : The world of rodeo is violent but sweet, harsh but full of affection, profane but religious, obscure to most of the American public but central to o...