TESTfunda Daily Wordlist 08-Feb-12
If you're having trouble viewing this email, see today's Wordlist on the Web. 08-Feb-12 TestFunda Home | Sign up for Newsletters | Feedback Daily Wordlist Vocabulary Flashcards | Vocabulary Test | Previous Wordlists pillory [ PIL-uh'-ree ] [ noun, transitive verb ] MEANING : 1. (n.) a device consisting of two parallel wooden boards with holes to lock the hands and legs of criminals and subject them to public scorn 2. (n.) a means for subjecting to public humiliation 3. (tr. v.) to subject to punishment by placing in a pillory 4. (tr. v.) to subject to public humiliation or abuse USAGE EXAMPLE 1 : It is probably necessary to pillory the United States for not signing the Kyoto protocol. USAGE EXAMPLE 2 : Did the government eventually agree to a mention of the "centrality" of the Kashmir iss...