TESTfunda Daily Wordlist 28-Mar-14
If you're having trouble viewing this email, see today's Wordlist on the Web. 28-Mar-14 TestFunda Home | Sign up for Newsletters | Feedback Daily Wordlist Vocabulary Flashcards | Vocabulary Test | Previous Wordlists libertine [ LIB-er-teen, -tin ] [ noun ] MEANING : 1. a person who lives without moral restraint 2. a person who is a freethinker USAGE EXAMPLE 1 : Feudal, conservative societies offer no place to a libertine. USAGE EXAMPLE 2 : The two brothers, the zealot and the libertine, dominate Coll's epic account of the wealthy Saudi Arabian family whose construction industry fortune was amassed by their father, Mohamed. ABC News, Blood Brothers: Could Osama Have Been Tamed?, By MARCUS BARAM, April 3, 2008 voluminous [ vuh'-LOO-muh'-nuh's ] [ adjective ] MEA...