libertine [ LIB-er-teen, -tin ] | | [ noun ] | | MEANING : | | 1. a person who lives without moral restraint 2. a person who is a freethinker | | USAGE EXAMPLE 1 : | | Feudal, conservative societies offer no place to a libertine.
| | USAGE EXAMPLE 2 : | | The two brothers, the zealot and the libertine, dominate Coll's epic account of the wealthy Saudi Arabian family whose construction industry fortune was amassed by their father, Mohamed. ABC News, Blood Brothers: Could Osama Have Been Tamed?, By MARCUS BARAM, April 3, 2008 | | voluminous [ vuh'-LOO-muh'-nuh's ] | | [ adjective ] | | MEANING : | | 1. bulky or having a large size or volume 2. ample, sufficient or full 3. winding or having a large number of coils 4. lengthy or filling a large volume or a large number of volumes | | USAGE EXAMPLE 1 : | | The voluminous fold of her skirt dragged behind her.
| | USAGE EXAMPLE 2 : | | Giggling, he helps me fold and pin my voluminous headscarf under it. BBC, Southern Iraq diary: Basra, 17 March, 2004 | | touchstone [ TUHCH-stohn ] | | [ noun, adjective ] | | MEANING : | | 1.(n.) a criterion, test or standard to measure quality or genuineness 2. (n.) a black, siliceous stone that was priorly used to test the purity of gold 3. (adj.) basis or a quintessential or an important feature | | USAGE EXAMPLE 1 : | | The checks failed as none of the important touchstones were achieved.
| | USAGE EXAMPLE 2 : | | Pay has been the touchstone issue of the financial crisis. Economist, The revolution within,May 14th 2009. | | subdue [ suh'b-DOO, -DYOO ] | | [ transitive verb ] | | MEANING : | | 1. to overpower 2. to overcome by force or persuasiveness 3. to exercise restrain or moderation | | USAGE EXAMPLE 1 : | | When Charles was overcome by an epileptic fit, we subdued him by holding him down.
| | USAGE EXAMPLE 2 : | | The arresting agent told Sutton that Daniel Boyd attempted "to acquire his side arm," and that Dylan Boyd "failed to comply with their instruction and had to be subdued." CNN, No bail for 'jihad' suspects despite judge's skepticism, Mike Ahlers, 5 august 2009 | | tactile [ TAK-til, -tahyl ] | | [ adjective ] | | MEANING : | | 1. pertaining to or characterized by the sense of touch 2. perceptible to the touch 3. tangible | | USAGE EXAMPLE 1 : | | The author's tactile description of the setting was so vivid and lifelike that the reader would invariably get involved in the story.
| | USAGE EXAMPLE 2 : | | My background was in making buildings accessible to people with various disabilities, and part of that involved creating tactile diagrams of floor plans and emergency routes for visually-impaired people. BBC, Beatrix Potter characters remodelled for blind children, Neil Prior, 1 February 2010. | |
Spelled Pronunciation Key Stress marks: [ CAPS ] indicates the primary stressed syllable, as in newspaper [NOOZ-pey-per ] and information [ in-fer-MEY-shuh' n ] CONSONANTS | [b] | boy, baby, rob | [d] | do, ladder, bed | [f] | food, offer, safe | [g] | get, bigger, dog | [h] | happy, ahead | [j] | jump, budget, age | [k] | can, speaker, stick | [l] | let, follow, still | [m] | make, summer, time | [n] | no, dinner, thin | [ng] | singer, think, long | [p] | put, apple, cup | [r] | run, marry, far, store | [s] | sit, city, passing, face | [sh] | she, station, push | [t] | top, better, cat | [ch] | church, watching, nature, witch | [th] | thirsty, nothing, math | [th'] | this, mother, breathe | [v] | very, seven, love | [w] | wear, away | [hw] | where, somewhat | [y] | yes, onion | [z] | zoo, easy, buzz | [zh] | measure, television, beige | | | VOWELS | [a] | apple, can, hat | [ey] | aid, hate, day | [ah] | arm, father, aha | [air] | air, careful, wear | [aw] | all, or, talk, lost, saw | [e] | ever, head, get | [ee] | eat, see, need | [eer] | ear, hero, beer | [er] | teacher, afterward, murderer | [i] | it, big, finishes | [ahy] | I, ice, hide, deny | [o] | odd, hot, woffle | [oh] | owe, road, below | [oo] | ooze, food, soup, sue | [oo'] | good, book, put | [oi] | oil, choice, toy | [ou] | out, loud, how | [uh] | up, mother, mud | [uh'] | about, animal, problem, circus | [ur] | early, bird, stirring | | | FOREIGN SOUNDS | [a*] | Fr. ami | [kh*] | Scot. loch, Ger. ach or ich | [œ] | Fr. feu, Ger. schön | [r*] | Fr. au revoir, Yiddish rebbe | [uh*] | Fr. oeuvre | [y*] | Fr. tu, Ger. über | | | SAMPLE NASALIZED VOWELS | [an*] | Fr. bien | [ahn*] | Fr. croissant | [awn*] | Fr. bon | [œn*] | Fr. parfum | [in*] | Port. Principe | | |
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