
Showing posts from April 13, 2012

TESTfunda Daily Wordlist 14-Apr-12

  If you're having trouble viewing this email, see today's Wordlist on the Web.         14-Apr-12 TestFunda Home  |  Sign up for Newsletters  |  Feedback Daily Wordlist Vocabulary Flashcards | Vocabulary Test | Previous Wordlists premeditate  [  pri-MED-i-teyt  ]   [  intransitive verb, transitive verb  ]   MEANING :   1. (tr. v.) to consider or scheme in advance 2. (intr. v.) to deliberate or plot beforehand   USAGE EXAMPLE 1 :   The attacks by the terrorists were premeditated.   USAGE EXAMPLE 2 :   Saakashvili insists that the Russia action is "premeditated aggression." CNN, Analysis: Georgia's major miscalculation?, By CNN's European Political Editor Robin Oakley, August 11, 2008   genesis  [  JEN-uh'-sis  ]   [  noun  ]   MEANING :   1. something's origin or beginning 2. t...

TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 14-Apr-12

  If you're having trouble viewing this email, see the Question of the Day and Tip of the Day on the Web.         14-Apr-12 TestFunda Home  |  Sign up for Newsletters  |  Feedback CAT Question of the Day From among the options, choose the summary of the passage that is written in the same style as that of the passage.  American authorities said they had asked the world's leading scientific journals to withhold research. The request, to Science and Nature, is highly unusual. But so is the research in question. Two separate teams, led by Yoshihiro Kawaoka at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and Ron Fouchier at Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam have tinkered with H5N1, otherwise known as bird flu. The resulting strains are dramatically more dangerous because they can be transmitted between mammals through the air. According to the World Health Organisation, bird flu has killed mor...

TESTfunda Puzzle of the Week 13-Apr-12

  If you're having trouble viewing this email, see the Puzzle of the Week on the Web.         13-Apr-12 TestFunda Home  |  Sign up for Newsletters  |  Feedback Puzzle of Week Puzzle # 204 - The Mathematical Moolah Mess! 12-Apr-12 The city of Mathematica had a peculiar currency system. The currency, which was called moolah, had only 3 denominations i.e. 6 moolahs, 9 moolahs and 20 moolahs. Accordingly, the items sold in the city could never be of certain values, for example, no item had a value that was less than 6 moolahs or 7 moolahs, so on and so forth. The values which could be paid using the three denominations were used to price the items. What is the maximum value which cannot be assigned as the price of an item to be sold in Mathematica? Please provide a detailed solution. discuss | more puzzles   Do you have solution! If you think you know the solution submit your solution (do not reply to this email, use the link). The firs...