TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 14-Apr-12

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CAT Question of the Day
From among the options, choose the summary of the passage that is written in the same style as that of the passage. 

American authorities said they had asked the world's leading scientific journals to withhold research. The request, to Science and Nature, is highly unusual. But so is the research in question. Two separate teams, led by Yoshihiro Kawaoka at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and Ron Fouchier at Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam have tinkered with H5N1, otherwise known as bird flu. The resulting strains are dramatically more dangerous because they can be transmitted between mammals through the air. According to the World Health Organisation, bird flu has killed more than 300 people since 2003. Its toll would certainly have been far greater had it not been for H5N1's important limitation: it is not easily transmitted to humans, or between them. But if the virus ever evolved to hop nimbly from man to man, it could wreak a pandemic.
 1)Science journal have been asked to withhold research into the H5N1 virus as two separate teams have manipulated the virus so that the virus can spread between mammals through air.
 2)The American authorities have banned research on H5N1 virus that can spread from the bird to mammals and between mammals through air pointing to the possibility of a pandemic.
 3)The American authorities have withheld research on the bird flu virus which scientists have modified to give it the unnatural ability to spread between mammals and could wreak a pandemic.
 4)Yoshihiro Kawaoka and Ron Fouchier have produced a strain of H5N1 virus that can cause a pandemic though only 300 people had died because of the virus since 2003.
Tip of the Day
In DI questions involving pie-charts, the degrees of all sectors should be converted to percentages as most of the questions revolve around this conversion. Also, while converting all degrees into percentages in one go, the chances of making calculation errors reduce.
Last year's Question of the day (13-Apr-11)
If you fly from Hong Kong to Frankfurt or Paris and look suspiciously like a gadget lover, chances are that you will be searched by customs officers: an iPad with Wi-Fi and 16 gigabytes of memory costs $200 less in the former British colony than in Germany and France. Given the risk of having to pay extra duty- and the price of the flight- potential iPad buyers in both countries ought to consider a trip to nearby Luxembourg, where Apple's popular device is $35 cheaper. The sales tax is only one reason for such differences in price. Consumers in Hong Kong also get a better deal because iPads are assembled in mainland China. Buyers in Switzerland have to pay more because there is less competition between retailers. In China and Mexico, the device may be cheaper because people are poorer.

Which of the following can be validly concluded from the above?
 1)The price of Apple's iPad is the lowest in Luxembourg.
 2)Apple's iPad is priced taking into account the purchasing power parity of the countries.
 3)Apple prices its products differently in different markets in order to make the maximum profit from all the markets.
 4)The price of Apple's iPad, before sales tax, varies significantly between countries.
 5)Apple's product pricing in different markets differs due to the difference in the duty levied.
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