
Showing posts from January 10, 2014

TESTfunda Daily Wordlist 11-Jan-14

  If you're having trouble viewing this email, see today's Wordlist on the Web.         11-Jan-14 TestFunda Home  |  Sign up for Newsletters  |  Feedback Daily Wordlist Vocabulary Flashcards | Vocabulary Test | Previous Wordlists mire  [  mahyuh*r  ]   [  noun, intransitive verb, transitive verb  ]   MEANING :   1. (n.) bog, slush or marsh 2. (n.) a tough, disadvantageous or difficult situation 3. (tr.v.) to plunge or cause to stick fast as though in mire 4. (tr.v.) to entangle, entrap, hamper or hinder 5. (intr.v.) to sink or stick in mire   USAGE EXAMPLE 1 :   He struggled for his footing as he almost slipped and fell into the mire.   USAGE EXAMPLE 2 :   The Bank is embarking on its unprecedented policy to prevent the UK economy - already mired in the deepest recession since the 1980s - from tipping into something worse. Telegraph, Bank of ...

HouseholdHacker just uploaded a video

                                              HouseholdHacker has uploaded Make a DIY Flashlight In Minutes Make a DIY Flashlight In Minutes by HouseholdHacker Find inspiration, innovation trends and the latest tech buzz at Sprint Faster. Check it out. Easy-to-follow instructions for building a working flashlight out of parts you have lying around the house. You can find a lightbulb in many devices that might be broken. Check your junk drawer you might even have a spare bulb laying around in there. You can use speaker wire if you can't find anything else, or even connect everything up with a paperclip. So many options! Let your MacGyver flow! You were sent this email because you ...

TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 11-Jan-14

  If you're having trouble viewing this email, see the Question of the Day and Tip of the Day on the Web.         11-Jan-14 TestFunda Home  |  Sign up for Newsletters  |  Feedback CAT Question of the Day What is the correct relationship between the following numbers: OPTIONS     1) a > b > c   2) c > a = b   3) c > a > b   4) c > b > a   5) a = c > b discuss | yesterday's solution | more questions Tip of the Day Cultivate the ability to defend your opinions politely, rationally, logically, and effectively. Practice how to disagree without entering into an argument. This will serve you in great stead in the interviews. more tips Last year's Question of the day (10-Jan-13) Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word/set of words from the given options. All organized religions teach peace and love for others, and they have often _______________ successfu...

TESTfunda Puzzle of the Week 10-Jan-14

  If you're having trouble viewing this email, see the Puzzle of the Week on the Web.         10-Jan-14 TestFunda Home  |  Sign up for Newsletters  |  Feedback Puzzle of the Week Puzzle # 295 - "Lock and No Key" 09-Jan-14 Dr. John Hunting is working on a national security issue. He decrypts a few codes and finds out that a few people working in the intelligence agency have double crossed the agency and are working as spies for the enemy country. Hunting needs to inform the Head of the Agency. However, following protocol, he has to inform the Station Chief who has to inform the Director. The Director informs the Head of the Agency. The Station Chief as well as the Director also need to put their views on the letter itself. Since this is a sensitive issue, none of them can use any electrical or electronic equipment. So, Hunting writes down the information and sends it in a locked box (which can never be o...