TESTfunda Puzzle of the Week 10-Jan-14

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 Round up of the Year Contest
Puzzle of the Week
Puzzle # 295 - "Lock and No Key"
Dr. John Hunting is working on a national security issue. He decrypts a few codes and finds out that a few people working in the intelligence agency have double crossed the agency and are working as spies for the enemy country. Hunting needs to inform the Head of the Agency. However, following protocol, he has to inform the Station Chief who has to inform the Director. The Director informs the Head of the Agency. The Station Chief as well as the Director also need to put their views on the letter itself. Since this is a sensitive issue, none of them can use any electrical or electronic equipment. So, Hunting writes down the information and sends it in a locked box (which can never be opened without a key). However, he cannot send the key for this box due to interception risks. The same risk also applies to everyone else. As part of protocol, every time a person receives the box, he puts a generic Agency seal on this box. Unfortunately, Hunting’s plan succeeds only partially as a rogue agent intercepts the box. Though he is unable to open the box, he concludes that all the relevant people, apart from the Head of the Agency, have got the message. Can you guess the maximum number of seals on the box that enabled the rogue agent reach this conclusion? 
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Do you have solution!
If you think you know the solution submit your solution (do not reply to this email, use the link). The first person to send a 100%-correct solution and two other people, picked at random from all the 100%-correct solutions submitted by Monday, will get 200 Reward Points. TestFunda team's decision on the correctness of the solution will be final.

If you have ideas on how to solve it, or would like to discuss it with other users, we recommend that you put your thoughts in the comments section. Please don't post complete solutions for the ongoing puzzle before the results are declared.
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