TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 08-Feb-12

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B-School Rankings
CAT Question of the Day
Due to the tight and twisty nature of the circuit, it favours the skill of the drivers over the power of the cars. However, there is very little overtaking as the course is so narrow and dangerous. Nelson Piquet likened racing round the course to "riding a bicycle round your living room". Prior to 1987, the number of cars starting the race was limited to 20, compared to 26 at other circuits. The famous tunnel section is said to be difficult for drivers to cope with due to the quick switch from light to dark, then back to light again, at one of the fastest points of the course. As a result, race outcomes tend to be decided by grid positions as well as pit strategies.

Why are race outcomes decided by grid positions as well as pit strategies?
 1)Race outcomes are decided by grid positions as well as pit strategies because the circuit has a tight and twisty nature.
 2)Race outcomes are decided by grid positions as well as pit strategies because the skill of the drivers is just as important as the power of the cars.
 3)Race outcomes are decided by grid positions as well as pit strategies because the circuit is twisty, overtaking is dangerous and has a difficult tunnel section.
 4)Race outcomes are decided by grid positions as well as pit strategies because the course is narrow and dangerous and prevents overtaking.
 5)Race outcomes are decided by grid positions as well as pit strategies because there is a difficult tunnel section that switches from light to dark and back at the fastest points of the course. 
Tip of the Day
As a part of your personal interview preparation, spend time articulating your strengths and weaknesses- at least three each. Then think about 2 instances or events where you displayed each of these.
Last year's Question of the day (07-Feb-11)
There are 30 distinct points in a plane, no three of which lie on the same line. What is the minimum number of lines needed to separate the points from one another?
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