TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 06-Apr-14

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CAT Question of the Day
Arrange the given sentences in the most logical sequence.
  1. The latest series of incidents have been engineered by evil hackers out to wreck inboxes and email legacies, so it means there is still a human angle to the mischief. 
  2. The news that innocuous "smart" devices in homes may now indeed be the source of hundreds of thousands of spam mails points to a very real and present danger. 
  3. But what if the machines thus manipulated become intelligent enough to try a few shenanigans on their own, just to liven up their humdrum days of cooling, heating, washing, percolating, smoke-detecting and the like? 
  4. As if manic machines transforming everyday appliances into monsters, courtesy Hollywood, is not enough for people to switch off gadgets, it now seems truth is indeed scarier than fiction.

Tip of the Day
Identifying the central idea of an RC passage is very important as most of the supporting ideas revolve around this one basic idea. Also, while solving the questions, a correct understanding of the core essence of the passage will enable one to easily identify all the incorrect options that contradict it.
Last year's Question of the day (05-Apr-13)
What is the number of ways to get 16 as the sum while throwing a dice five times in a row?
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