Story Marathon Contest - Cash of Rs. 4500, Apple iPod up for grabs

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Story Marathon Contest – Beginning from Apr 7
Love writing stories? Then you will surely be at ease when giving interesting twists to a half baked plot.
Use your imagination to the fullest and give a direction to the initial lines posted by us.
Here is how it goes:
The first few lines of the story will be uploaded on Monday, Apr 7, 2014.
You have to take it forward from there and add a chapter and mail it to us by Apr 13, 2014 for Part 1.
Result of the same will be declared and the best entry will be uploaded. Similarly, the next round (Part 2) will be conducted and the best entry will be uploaded.
You have to write the next chapter as a continuity to the best entry and mail it to us.
The story marathon will continue for the next 2 weeks and effectively you get to write 2 more chapters.
Top two entries will be declared for every chapter.
A bumper reward will be awarded to the one who gathers maximum points throughout the story marathon.
For every round:
1st position – Rs. 1000/- + 3 points*
2nd position – Rs. 500/- + 2 points*
Honorable mention – 1 point*
*points will be added up to decide the user who gets the bumper reward
Bumper reward - Apple iPod Shuffle worth Rs. 3000
Know more - LEARN with THE LEADER in Online MBA Test Prep
- TestFunda is backed by 3 IIT-IIM graduates form the Management Team.
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- For 12 years Zeus has created award-winning courseware for companies like Discovery Channel, Reader's Digest, Texas Instruments, Pearson Education.
- The TestFunda Advisory Board comprises CEOs and MDs of international educational companies.
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