TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 17-Mar-14

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 Engineers Month
CAT Question of the Day
The following question has a paragraph from which the last sentence has been deleted. From the given options, choose the one that completes the paragraph in the most appropriate way.
It was widely reported some years ago, how nearly 7,500 people unknowingly sold their souls to Brit online gaming software retailer, Gamestation. As a prank, the retailer added an 'Immortal Souls' clause to the terms and conditions, legally awarding itself the 'souls' of customers who bought from it. Funny as it may seem, the prank highlights the dubious nature of the terms and conditions that we agree to, most often without actually reading them. Many reports suggest that fewer than 12% of people bother to glance through the terms and conditions.

More often than not, the consumer is forced to agree to the terms in order to proceed to the next step, whether it is to use a service or install software.
Needless to say, you should know when terms and conditions become more than standard operating procedure and turn into ransom notes.
Needless to say, take a moment to read it again; by accepting the terms, you may be agreeing to anything and everything the service provider may ask of you, now or in the future.
Needless to say, it is time you started reading the terms carefully, and more frequently.
Tip of the Day
While evaluating strong and weak arguments, one can observe that the strong ones generally carry an extreme opinion on the case. Usage of words like 'extremely', 'only' etc. tend to make the argument stronger.
Last year's Question of the day (16-Mar-13)
The following table shows four guess words of a perfect-misplaced game. Guess the word and find out how many of the letters are perfect and misplaced in it when compared to TOOL.

[Here perfect count denotes the number of letters in the guess word having the same position in the actual word. Misplaced count denotes the number of letters which are same but not in the same position as that in the actual word.]
 1)2 perfect, 1 misplaced
 2)1 perfect, 2 misplaced
 3)3 perfect
 4)3 misplaced
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