legerdemain [ lej-er-duh'-MEYN ] | | [ noun ] | | MEANING : | | 1. sleight of hand 2. deception; trickery; a show of skill or deceitful cleverness | | USAGE EXAMPLE 1 : | | Being legerdemain in cards enabled him to win most games with ease.
| | USAGE EXAMPLE 2 : | | The budget legerdemain allowed Democrats to put their imprint on the bill, saving programs such as the $140 million Commodity Supplemental Food Program, targeted for elimination by Bush but given a 30 percent budget hike by Democrats. ABC News, Budget Bill Reverses Bush Cuts, By ANDREW TAYLOR, December 17, 2007 | | blasphemous [ BLAS-fuh'-muh' s ] | | [ adjective ] | | MEANING : | | 1. impiously irreverent; profane 2. speaking, containing or exhibiting blasphemy | | USAGE EXAMPLE 1 : | | His blasphemous rantings almost got him hanged.
| | USAGE EXAMPLE 2 : | | Leading Thai politicians have called for The Beach to be banned, claiming the film is blasphemous and portrays their country as a drugs paradise. BBC, Thai MPs call for Beach ban, 9 March, 2000 | | concur [ kuh' n-KUR ] | | [ transitive verb ] | | MEANING : | | 1. to agree, approve or assent 2. to coincide or occur simultaneously 3. to cooperate, combine or act together | | USAGE EXAMPLE 1 : | | The two teams concurred on the regulations within minutes.
| | USAGE EXAMPLE 2 : | | Robert Rector of Heritage Foundation concurs with the figures on the number of jobs Congress just voted to give to non-Americans. Chronicles magazine, A sellout of Our Unemployed, by Patrick J. Buchanan, March 16th, 2009 | | trifle [ TRAHY-fuh'l ] | | [ noun, intransitive verb, transitive verb ] | | MEANING : | | 1. (n.) an article of little or no value 2. (n.) a type of dessert 3. (tr. v.) to waste 4. (intr. v.) to act as if something were of little value or significance | | USAGE EXAMPLE 1 : | | The benefactor modestly exclaimed that the gift was just a trifle.
| | USAGE EXAMPLE 2 : | | Democracy can be frustrating at times but constant whinging and threatening to sink the vessel they are sailing in seems more than a trifle unwise. BBC, PM holds justice devolution talks, 7 November 2009. | | pall [ pawl ] | | [ noun, intransitive verb, transitive verb ] | | MEANING : | | 1. (n.) a coffin or the cloth used to cover a coffin or tomb 2. (n.) something that overspreads with gloom or shrouds with melancholy 3. (n.) a covering that darkens or obscures 4. (tr. v.) to cover with 5. (tr. v.) to satiate 6. (tr. v.) to make vapid or wearisome 7. (intr. v.) to have an effect that is boring or wearisome | | USAGE EXAMPLE 1 : | | When their grandfather passed away they buried him in an expensive mahogany pall with cushioned satin lining.
| | USAGE EXAMPLE 2 : | | Markland's wife Corallee and sons Keelen, 10, and Logan, seven, waited outside the church as pall bearers lifted his coffin inside to the sounds of Amazing Grace. BBC, Lancashire Army bomb disposal expert laid to rest.2 March 2010. | |
Spelled Pronunciation Key Stress marks: [ CAPS ] indicates the primary stressed syllable, as in newspaper [NOOZ-pey-per ] and information [ in-fer-MEY-shuh' n ] CONSONANTS | [b] | boy, baby, rob | [d] | do, ladder, bed | [f] | food, offer, safe | [g] | get, bigger, dog | [h] | happy, ahead | [j] | jump, budget, age | [k] | can, speaker, stick | [l] | let, follow, still | [m] | make, summer, time | [n] | no, dinner, thin | [ng] | singer, think, long | [p] | put, apple, cup | [r] | run, marry, far, store | [s] | sit, city, passing, face | [sh] | she, station, push | [t] | top, better, cat | [ch] | church, watching, nature, witch | [th] | thirsty, nothing, math | [th'] | this, mother, breathe | [v] | very, seven, love | [w] | wear, away | [hw] | where, somewhat | [y] | yes, onion | [z] | zoo, easy, buzz | [zh] | measure, television, beige | | | VOWELS | [a] | apple, can, hat | [ey] | aid, hate, day | [ah] | arm, father, aha | [air] | air, careful, wear | [aw] | all, or, talk, lost, saw | [e] | ever, head, get | [ee] | eat, see, need | [eer] | ear, hero, beer | [er] | teacher, afterward, murderer | [i] | it, big, finishes | [ahy] | I, ice, hide, deny | [o] | odd, hot, woffle | [oh] | owe, road, below | [oo] | ooze, food, soup, sue | [oo'] | good, book, put | [oi] | oil, choice, toy | [ou] | out, loud, how | [uh] | up, mother, mud | [uh'] | about, animal, problem, circus | [ur] | early, bird, stirring | | | FOREIGN SOUNDS | [a*] | Fr. ami | [kh*] | Scot. loch, Ger. ach or ich | [œ] | Fr. feu, Ger. schön | [r*] | Fr. au revoir, Yiddish rebbe | [uh*] | Fr. oeuvre | [y*] | Fr. tu, Ger. über | | | SAMPLE NASALIZED VOWELS | [an*] | Fr. bien | [ahn*] | Fr. croissant | [awn*] | Fr. bon | [œn*] | Fr. parfum | [in*] | Port. Principe | | |
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