TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 23-Feb-14

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CAT Question of the Day
Answer the question based on the passage given below.
Debt Assumption, or simply assumption, was a US financial policy executed under the Funding Act of 1790. The Washington administration pursued the policy, under Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton's leadership, to assume the outstanding debt of those states which had not yet repaid their American Revolutionary War bonds and scrip. The policy of assumption, Hamilton argued, required expanded federal taxation. Hamilton instituted the first tax on a domestic product - whiskey. Some western farmers, many of them veterans of the Revolution, who were reliant on whiskey as a medium of exchange said the tax betrayed the ideals of the Revolution.

The need for the Debt Assumption law was perceived because -

Hamilton wished to fill the Treasury's coffers by taxing domestic products.
Some  states had yet to repay their outstanding debts which gave rise to federal taxation.
Some states, such as Virginia, had already repaid their debt while others had not.
Western farmers could not be compelled to pay the American Revolutionary War bonds and scrip.
Tip of the Day
In the Jumbled Sentences questions, watch out for any chronology clues - specific order of events taking place one after the other.
Last year's Question of the day (22-Feb-13)
All possible 6 digit numbers, in each of which the digits occur in non - increasing order (from left to right) are written in increasing order. Find the 500th number in this sequence.
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