TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 02-Dec-13

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CAT Question of the Day

The median from point A to BC as well as AC measures 10 units.

The length of side BC is
 1)10 units
 2)15 units
 3)20 units
 4)25 units
 5)30 units
Tip of the Day
Questions that involve variables in multiple equations can be solved to get unique values for variables. However, at times, the question only requires you to reduce the equations into a different form, one that is representative of the answer. Avoid time-consuming solving of equations whenever possible.
Last year's Question of the day (01-Dec-12)
Answer the question based on the passage given below.

At the death of an old friend, G.B. Hunter, and then of her father, Elizabeth Browning's health faded again, centering around deteriorating lung function. She was moved from Florence to Siena, residing at the Villa Alberti. Deeply engrossed in Italian politics, she issued a small volume of political poems titled Poems before Congress (1860) "most of which were written to express her sympathy with the Italian cause after the outbreak of fighting in 1859". They caused a furore in England and she was labelled as a fanatic by conservative magazines Blackwood's and the Saturday Review. She dedicated this book to her husband. Her last work was A Musical Instrument, published posthumously.
Which of the following can be concluded about Elizabeth Browning from the above?

 1)Elizabeth Browning was British.
 2)Elizabeth Browning was a chain smoker.
 3)Elizabeth Browning was a right wing politician.
 4)Elizabeth Browning was not a political person, she merely had an opinion.
 5)Elizabeth Browning died before the publication of A Musical Instrument.
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