TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 05-Aug-13

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 MBA Test Centre
CAT Question of the Day
Answer the question based on the passage given below.

Half of humanity – 3.5 billion people – live in urban areas today. Our metropolises are the engines of growth for a global economy emerging from the shadow of financial crisis. In Bangalore, my home, investment is pouring into a city at the forefront of the Indian economy's transformation – home to companies like Infosys and Wipro, and named by Forbes Magazine as one of the "Fastest Growing Cities of the Next Decade." But, as Bangalore's citizens prepare to go to the polls in state elections, their concerns are not merely economic. The city's financial success stories mask a darker reality – quality of life for many city-dwellers has deteriorated over recent years. The movement of the rural poor to large cities is one of the exemplary narratives of the modern era. And governments, which typically focus on crude measures of economic performance, encourage rapid urbanization.

Which of the following is the main concern of the writer in the above passage?

 1)Movement of the rural poor to the large cities.
 2)Metropolises as engines of growth for global economy.
 3)Deterioration of the quality of life in the fast growing city of Bangalore.
 4)The main issue for the people in Bangalore in the forthcoming state elections.
Tip of the Day
In an isosceles triangle, all the four centres viz. circumcentre, incentre, centroid and orthocentre lie on the median drawn from the vertex contained by equal sides to the non-equal side.
Last year's Question of the day (04-Aug-12)
In certain fruit bazaar, the cost of an apple is directly proportional to square of its weight. Two friends A and B went there to purchase apples. A got exactly 5 apples in one kg and each apple were of same weight. Whereas B got exactly 4 apples in one kg and each apple were of same weight. If B paid Rs.10 more than A for one kg of apples, what is the cost of an apple which weighs 1 kg?
 4)None of these
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