TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 15-Jun-13

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CAT Question of the Day
If p = 2013 × 20142014 × 201520152015 and q = 2015 × 20132013 × 201420142014, what is the value of p3q3?

 1) 3pq2
 2) 3p2q
Tip of the Day
Don't give up on the habit of reading editorial pages, and other material in the last few days before CAT. Continual depth and breadth of reading is what will hold you in good stead during the exam.
Last year's Question of the day (14-Jun-12)
Answer the question based on the passage given below.

Some sources, such as anthropologists James Mellaart, Marija Gimbutas and Barbara Walker, claim that Gaia as the Mother Earth is a later form of a pre-Indo-European Great Mother who had been venerated in Neolithic times, but this point is controversial in the academic community. Belief in a nurturing Earth Mother is often a feature of modern Neopagan "Goddess" worship, which is typically linked by practitioners of this religion to the Neolithic goddess theory.

From the above passage, we can conclude that:

 1)Gaia's status as the Mother Earth was debated among ancient Greek historians.
 2)The academic community doesn't believe that a nurturing Great Mother belongs to Ancient Greece as she originated in Neolithic times.
 3)The concept of Gaia arguably originated from a pre-Indo-European Great Mother.
 4)James Mellaart, Marija Gimbutas and Barbara Walker are anthropologists of questionable judgment.
 5)The Neopagans are the first people to believe in the Earth Mother theory.
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