TESTfunda Daily Wordlist 03-May-13

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dimunition [ dim-uh'-NOO-shuh' n, -NYOO- ]
 noun ]
 1. the process or the act of lessening or reducing
2. (music) variation of a subject or theme by reducing esp. halving the time period of notes
 The dimunition of firearms is an important step in the peace process.
 Production of drought-tolerant crops able to grow under restricted-water regimes without dimunition of yield would minimize drought-related losses and ensure food production in water-limited lands
The Times of India, Plants that can beat drought, 28 Nov 2007
engrossing [ en-GROH-sing ]
 adjective ]
 absorbing or occupying complete attention
 Distractions, such as having someone to talk to on the plane or focusing on an engrossing book, can also work to ease the tension.
CNN, Seeing crash reports can worsen flying phobia, Shahreen Abedin, 13 February 2009
 Distractions, such as having someone to talk to on the plane or focusing on an engrossing book, can also work to ease the tension.
CNN, Seeing crash reports can worsen flying phobia, Shahreen Abedin, 13 February 2009
arrhythmic [ uh'-RITH-mik ]
 noun, adjective ]
 1. (n.) a disturbance in the rhythm of the heartbeat
2. (adj.) lacking rhythm or regularity
 He had to retire and move to the peaceful countryside because of his arrhythmic heart condition.
 In the summer of 2007 he was diagnosed as suffering from an arrhythmic heart condition combined with high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
The Telegraph, Sir Nicholas Pumfrey, 1 January 2008.
treatise [ tree-tis  ]
 noun ]
 1. a formal and systematic exposition of the principles of a subject in writing tending to be longer and more detailed than an essay
2. a systematic and extensive discourse on a subject in writing
 A recently published treatise which enumerates the reasons for volatility in the share market was authored by a broker of the BSE.
 This is a passionate work of advocacy written under extraordinary conditions, not an ordinary academic treatise, so it would be wrong to expect Judt to back up every statement or define every term.
The Telegraph, Ill Fares the Land by Tony Judt: review, Noel Malcolm, 28 March 2010.
jujitsu [  joo-JIT-soo ]
 noun ]
 a form of martial arts that makes use of blows, throws, etc. but not weapons to fight and makes use of the opponent's weight and strength against them
 The ancient martial arts form of Jujitsu was first developed by the Samurai in Japan and today can boast of many derived forms.
 The churches did roaring business on the back of "The Passion of the Christ" and "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe"; they hope to do the same, with the aid of a bit of jujitsu, with Mr Brown's offering.
Economist, Love thine enemy, May 18th 2006
Spelled Pronunciation Key
Stress marks: [ CAPS ] indicates the primary stressed syllable,
as in newspaper [NOOZ-pey-per ] and information [ in-fer-MEY-shuh' n ]
[b] boy, baby, rob
[d] do, ladder, bed
[f] food, offer, safe
[g] get, bigger, dog
[h] happy, ahead
[j] jump, budget, age
[k] can, speaker, stick
[l] let, follow, still
[m] make, summer, time
[n] no, dinner, thin
[ng] singer, think, long
[p] put, apple, cup
[r] run, marry, far, store
[s] sit, city, passing, face
[sh] she, station, push
[t] top, better, cat
[ch] church, watching, nature, witch
[th] thirsty, nothing, math
[th'] this, mother, breathe
[v] very, seven, love
[w] wear, away
[hw] where, somewhat
[y] yes, onion
[z] zoo, easy, buzz
[zh] measure, television, beige
[a] apple, can, hat
[ey] aid, hate, day
[ah] arm, father, aha
[air] air, careful, wear
[aw] all, or, talk, lost, saw
[e] ever, head, get
[ee] eat, see, need
[eer] ear, hero, beer
[er] teacher, afterward, murderer
[i] it, big, finishes
[ahy] I, ice, hide, deny
[o] odd, hot, woffle
[oh] owe, road, below
[oo] ooze, food, soup, sue
[oo'] good, book, put
[oi] oil, choice, toy
[ou] out, loud, how
[uh] up, mother, mud
[uh'] about, animal, problem, circus
[ur] early, bird, stirring
[a*] Fr. ami
[kh*] Scot. loch, Ger. ach or ich
[œ] Fr. feu, Ger. schön
[r*] Fr. au revoir, Yiddish rebbe
[uh*] Fr. oeuvre
[y*] Fr. tu, Ger. über
[an*] Fr. bien
[ahn*] Fr. croissant
[awn*] Fr. bon
[œn*] Fr. parfum
[in*] Port. Principe
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