TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 27-Apr-13

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CAT Question of the Day
The question below contains a paragraph followed by alternative summaries. Choose the option that best captures the essence of the paragraph.

Traders in caravans of ancient times connected China, Europe and India. On these routes, besides the exchange of goods there was the sharing of ideas about the meaning of life and the eternal truths. The concepts that took the deepest root were those of Buddhism, which Indian traders spoke about. They included the concepts of "samsara" and "maya", the illusory nature of the material world around us. They spoke about the many temptations of the natural world that always led to dissatisfaction and pain and explained that the way to remove the pain of existence was to do away with the desires that caused it.
 1)The concepts of Buddhism and renunciation as the way to freedom from pain took the deepest roots as the ancient traders of China, Europe and India shared their ideas and beliefs.
 2)The sharing of ideas about the meaning of life and eternal truths by the traders of China, Europe and India helped the concepts of Buddhism and the idea of equanimity take deepest roots.
 3)The Buddhist concepts of smasara, maya and abstention as a remedy for pain took the deepest roots in ancient times as the traders  of China, Europe and India shared their ideas on the meaning of life.
 4)Trade connected China, Europe and India since ancient times; as the traders shared their ideas about life, the Indian traders helped the concepts of Buddhism become a major influence.
Tip of the Day
In verbal sections, when you have narrowed your options down to two and are confused between the two, it makes sense to mark one of them even though you might not be sure as the probability of getting it right is half whereas the negative mark, if you get it wrong, is much less than half.
Last year's Question of the day (26-Apr-12)
On being asked how many ripe mangoes his tree had, a farmer excitedly told his wife, "Had there been 10 more, I would have been able to pack them in two boxes, each containing a perfect square number of mangoes. Oh, and one of them would also have a perfect cube number of mangoes and the other a perfect fourth power!" He then added wistfully, "But now I will just pack them in five boxes, each containing an equal number of mangoes, and the number of mangoes in each box is a perfect cube." The wife only knew that the number of ripe mangoes was a three-digit number.

What is the sum of digits of the number of ripe mangoes on the tree?
 4)Cannot be determined
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