Story Marathon Part 2 | Grab Hidesign Bag & Casio Watch

 Story Marathon
We received an overwhelming response for the Story Marathon - Part I. Now participate in the second part of the Story Marathon and get a chance to give the story that twist that you always wished you could.
Akhil P S bagged the first position in Story Marathon Part - I, won Rs.1000/- and is now close to win the BUMPER REWARD.
Look at Chapter 1 (Akhil's entry) below and send Chapter 2 in continuation to the same:
She opened the parcel and found an envelope inside it. There was nothing written on the cover. After a moment's hesitation, she opened the envelope and took out a postcard. She noticed that there was something written next to the name label on the card but couldn't make out clearly as to what was written. She took out her glasses, put them on and tried to read the name. It said "Anita Agarwal". For a moment, she felt her whole body freeze. She felt as if her heart had stopped beating. In another second, she came out of her state of shock and dropped the card. She was sweating all over and her heart was pacing rapidly. Anita Agarwal, her best friend, was found. Read the whole entry here.
Terms and conditions:
The story should not exceed the word limit of 1000 words
It has to be an original piece of work. Entries that are found to be plagiarized will be disqualified
Stories with obscene content or slang will be disqualified
Send it as an MS-Word document (Font Style - Calibri and Font size - 11)
Mail us the story at by 28th April midnight
Use the subject line - Storymarathon2_username. Entries that do not follow this rule maybe disqualified
The intellectual property right to each story will rest with TestFunda
Parameters of judgement:
Our team of experts will choose the best out of all the entries that come in on the basis of the adherence to the word count, creativity and language.
For every chapter:
1st Position - Rs. 1000/- + 3 points*
2nd Position - Rs. 500/- + 2 points*
Honorable mention - 1 point*
*points gathered throughout the marathon will be added up to decide who gets the bumper reward
Bumper reward:
Ladies you stand a chance to win a Hidesign bag worth upto Rs.4000/-
Gentlemen you stand a chance to win a Casio watch worth around Rs.4000/-
All the Best! - LEARN with THE LEADER in Online MBA Test Prep
- TestFunda is backed by 3 IIT-IIM graduates form the Management Team.
- The 85+ member team has vast experience in MBA Coaching and Computer-Based Training and Testing.
- For 12 years Zeus has created award-winning courseware for companies like Discovery Channel, Reader's Digest, Texas Instruments, Pearson Education.
- The TestFunda Advisory Board comprises CEOs and MDs of international educational companies.
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