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HouseholdHacker has uploaded LIFE HACKS -- 7 ways to open a Wine bottle without a corkscrew!.
LIFE HACKS -- 7 ways to open a Wine bottle without a corkscrew!
Wine. The nectar of the gods. But what if your corkscrew mysteriously goes missing? We've got some simple ways to solve that problem so that you can get your drink on.

1. Hit up your junk drawer and grab a screw hook. Apply it to the cork and get it snug. Now carefully and slowly wiggle out that cork and enjoy the fruit of your labor.

2. Hit that junk drawer again. Find a thick screw and twist it down into the wine stopper. When you are done grab pliers or clippers and twist that bad boy out. Voila.

3. This also can work with a large nail but you need to pound it in at a slight angle and then carefully remove the nail and cork with the back of a hammer. Take your time and you'll be fine.

4. Now you might have heard that banging a bottle against the wall will pop the cork, and you would be right. However, it takes far too long to be effective so don't bother with this trick just move on to something better such as...

5. The shoe string method. Want to really impress? Bore a hole...
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