Exam Attempt on TestFunda.com - IBPS CWE Clerical Scholarship Test

Dear risha9177719594,

Thank you for taking the IBPS CWE Clerical Scholarship Test on TestFunda.com.
For detail report and performance analysis click here.

Your exam report includes:
1)  National Percentile.
2)  Sectional & Overall Cut-offs.
3)  Compare your sectional & the overall scores with the toppers.
4)  Overview report that enumerates your performance.
5)  Accuracy targets and improve the most important test-taking parameter.
6)  Speed & Accuracy balance.
7)  Have a go at your unattempted questions.
8)  'Ask-a-Doubt' for every question and get online support from experts within one working day.

TestFunda Team


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