TESTFunda Weekly Newsletter 4th October

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Weekly Dose of GK and Current Affairs from Sep 27th to Oct 3rd
This section will let you keep abreast of all the important news and latest happenings around the world without looking at different sources across the internet.
TISS Exam Notification Out
TISS entrance exam is scheduled to be conducted on 13th January
Indian Institute of Forest Management invites application for PGDFM.
Admission to the fully residential two year PGDFM is open to graduates from any discipline.
Results for the 'News Items of the Week contest'
On the basis of popular demand, we held the 'News items of the week contest'. On Friday, the 5th of October, you will get to know who played the reporter's role to perfection and made it to the list of winners
Participate in the 'News Items of the Week Contest– Part 2' - 9th & 10 Oct
For those of you who missed out on participating in the contest held on 2nd-3rd Oct here is your chance to do just that. Tell us what you think will make it to the list of starred articles in our next GK newsletter.
ANTARANGI'12 – IIT Kanpur Cultural Fest
ANTARANGI, literally meaning the 'fire within', is the annual cultural 'festival' of the most prestigious technological institute of the country, IIT Kanpur. Win Prizes worth Rs. 45+ Lakhs
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Supreme Court says auction not the only means to allocate natural resources
The Supreme Court has said that even though auction as a process is preferred by many for allotment of natural resources, the allotment of resources must not be restricted to this process alone. It added that auction as a process must not be given a 'constitutions principle' sort of status. The Bench also said that irrespective of the mode of allocation of resources, private players cannot be free from regulations.
Government to revise prices of essential medicines
India has decided to put a limit on the maximum price at which essential drugs can be sold in the country. This is the first time that the government of India has decided to revise medical costs. It is a landmark decision which was headed by agriculture minister Sharad Pawar. The group of ministers approved the proposal to bring all 348 drugs listed on the National List of Essential Medicines (NLEM) under price control.
Emirates to buy stake in Kingfisher Airlines
Dubai based carrier Emirates has shown some keen interest in acquiring a stake in Kingfisher Airlines which has had a rough few months. Mallya also confirmed his meetings with top Emirates officials while attending a Formula 1 event in Singapore. Emirates' spokesperson also said in a statement that India was one of the world's most important aviation markets and with the government's decision of FDI in aviation, Emirates would not step back.
Tata Starbucks opening shortly in India
Good news for coffee aficionados in India.
The world's largest coffee chain – Starbucks is going to join hands with Tata Global Beverages to open a chain of coffee stores in India. Coffee drinkers in India will have to wait until October end to rejoice in some coffee glory. A joint statement by the two giant companies revealed that the first of its many stores will be opened in south Mumbai.
Maruti offers 70% hike to workers over three years
It has been two months since the workers of Maruti's Manesar plant went on rampage because of their dissatisfaction with their wages. Maruti Suzuki has extended the olive branch by offering huge increment packages to its workers on order to settle this dispute. Maruti Suzuki has decided to increase salaries of its employees by up to 70% and also provide benefits like interest free personal loans.
Godrej Appliances and Indiatimes tie-up for brand shop online
Godrej Appliances has announced a tie up with Times' online shopping portal Indiatimes.com in order to boost sales of the consumer durable products and march ahead among the competitors in the sector. The joint venture will enable a launch of an exclusive online brand shop that will sell products like refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners and other appliances to shoppers.
Read these and more articles here
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