TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 05-Oct-12

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CAT Question of the Day
In the following questions a sentence/paragraph is broken into fragments and labelled A, B, C and D. Choose for your answer the combination that shows all the INCORRECT fragments.

A. It took us that long to figure that each of the three constitutional columns 
B. holding the giant roof over our nation - the legislature, the executive and the judiciary – 
C. have  been corroded to the core by the rot of corruption, leaving the columns visibly shaky.
D. And it is the legislative column that Anna chose to take in his ageing but firm grip and give a good shake.

 1)A and D
 2)A and C
 3)B and D
 4)C and D
Tip of the Day
Make sure you practice both your strong and your weak areas in the Verbal Ability section. This will safeguard your score even in case of changes in the paper pattern.
Last year's Question of the day (04-Oct-11)
The novel begins in the Shire, as Frodo Baggins inherits the Ring from Bilbo, his cousin and guardian. Both are unaware of its origin, but Gandalf the Grey, a wizard, learns of the Ring's history and advises Frodo to take it away from the Shire. Frodo leaves, taking his gardener and friend, Samwise ("Sam") Gamgee, and two cousins, Meriadoc ("Merry") Brandybuck and Peregrin ("Pippin") Took, as companions. They nearly encounter the Ringwraiths while still in the Shire, but shake off pursuit by cutting through the Old Forest, where they are aided by the enigmatic and powerful Tom Bombadil, upon whom the Ring has no effect. After leaving the Forest, they stop in the town of Bree, where they meet Aragorn, Isildur's heir, who joins them as guide and protector. They leave Bree after narrowly escaping attack, but the Ringwraiths follow them to the look-out hill of Weathertop and wound Frodo with an accursed knife. Aragorn leads the hobbits toward the refuge of Rivendell, while Frodo gradually succumbs to the wound. At the Ford of Bruinen, the Ringwraiths attack again, but flood waters controlled by Elrond, master of Rivendell, rise up and overwhelm them, saving the company.

Which of the following statements is true about the Ringwraiths?
 1)The Ringwraiths are following Frodo and his friends because they want to recover the ring from him.
 2)The Ringwraiths are looking to injure Frodo and not Samwise or Meriadoc or Peregrin because he's the one in possession of the ring.
 3)The Ringwraiths are resilient – you need more than just one trick to hold them back.
 4)All of the above
 5)None of the above
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