TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 23-Oct-12

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 Navratri Offer
CAT Question of the Day
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word/set of words in the given options:

Concerned that the Arab rebellions would _____________ its own repressed minorities, the repressive China refused to allow the UN Security Council to be used to _____________ revolutionary changes in the Arab world.

 1)encourage, thwart
 2)inspire, repudiate
 3)radicalize, promote
 4)petrify, endorse
Tip of the Day
The main idea of an RC passage usually lies in the first or last paragraph of the passage. However, before selecting a passage to attempt, one should always have a look at the questions along with the subject/topic of the passage.
Last year's Question of the day (22-Oct-11)
Magic was a controversial subject in Shakespeare's day. In Italy in 1600, Giordano Bruno was burnt at the stake for his occult studies. Outside the Catholic world, in Protestant England where Shakespeare wrote The Tempest, magic was also taboo; not all "magic", however, was considered evil. Several thinkers took a more rational approach to the study of the supernatural, with the determination to discover the workings of unusual phenomena. The German Henricus Cornelius Agrippa was one such thinker, who published in De Occulta Philosophia (1531, 1533) his observations of "divine" magic. Agrippa's work influenced Dr. John Dee, an Englishman and student of supernatural phenomena. Both Agrippa and Dee describe a kind of magic similar to Prospero's: one that is based on 16th-century science, rationality, and divinity, rather than the occult. When King James took the throne, Dee found himself under attack for his beliefs, but was able to defend himself successfully by explaining the divine nature of his profession. However, he died in disgrace in 1608.

What does the passage not tell us about magic?
 1)That there were two types of magic – that which was based in occult, and that which was based in science and rationality.
 2)That magic was not a subject everyone was comfortable discussing at the dinner table during Shakespeare's times.
 3)In Shakespeare's day, if you had studied the occult in the Catholic world, you might have been burnt at the stake.
 4)There were thinkers who studied the occult under the umbrella of rationality.
 5)Despite being able to connect magic to divinity, Dee didn't get redemption before he died.
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