Reporter for the day - Part 2

 Navratri Offer
For those of you who missed out on participating in the Reporter for the day contest, here's your chance to do just that.
Write a brief article on any topic from the current news and get your article published on TestFunda.
About the contest
You have to write a brief article around 8-12 lines on any one topic from the current news
You have to choose news articles from the 18th to the 24th of October
Multiple entries per person will be accepted
In case you send in more than one article, please ensure that those articles are on different topics and not the same article written in different ways.
Our team of experts will choose the best entry out of all the entries that come in
How to send in your entries
You have to post it as a comment to the article titled Reporter for the day – Part 2
Date: 21st to 24th October
To get an idea about the kind of articles you need to write take a look at our GK articles:
For e.g. if you want to search for the articles in the month of September 2012
(1) You will find it in the GK and current affairs section under the GK Newsletter in an article called - General knowledge and current affairs 1st to 30th September
(2) In the article you will find the weekly update in a pdf format titled – Weekly dose of GKCA for 1st to 30th September
OR view the articles for September here
Best Entry - 500 points
1st runner up - 300 points
2nd runner up - 200 points
We will hold the right to publish it on our website first. The article has to be an original piece of work and not copied from any other source. - LEARN with THE LEADER in Online MBA Test Prep
- TestFunda is backed by 3 IIT-IIM graduates form the Management Team.
- The 85+ member team has vast experience in MBA Coaching and Computer-Based Training and Testing.
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- The TestFunda Advisory Board comprises CEOs and MDs of international educational companies.
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