TESTFunda Weekly Newsletter 27th September

 4 days special
Weekly Dose of GK and Current Affairs from Sep 20th to Sep 26th
This section will let you keep abreast of all the important news and latest happenings around the world without looking at different sources across the internet.
MAT – Dec 2012 Notification Out
The paper based MAT is scheduled on 2nd December and computer based MAT is scheduled from 8th December onwards.
Participate in the News Items of the Week Contest
For those of you who've been regular followers of our GK Newsletter, here's a chance for you to be a reporter.Suggest the most relevant news that should feature in the starred articles category and win exciting prizes.
ANTARANGI'12 – IIT Kanpur Cultural Fest
ANTARANGI, literally meaning the 'fire within', is the annual cultural 'festival' of the most prestigious technological institute of the country, IIT Kanpur. Win Prizes worth Rs. 45+ Lakhs
Prepare with TESTfunda's CAT Study Plan
TF has created a special study plan that will boost your test preparation. Crack the CAT with a little help from us
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Walmart says it aims to open first store in India in 18 months
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has notified that global giants like Walmart and other such foreign investors are morethan welcome to come to the nation and invest. After the announcement, around ten states have given their approvalfor foreign investment and implemented the decision under which foreign investors can invest up to fifty-one percentto open their outlets. Walmart recently announced that it plans to open its stores in India within 12 to 18 months inthe Wall Street Journal.
Iran upset over anti-Islam film
Iran has blocked all access to Google's mail service and has threatened to ban the live telecast of the Oscar Awards,which is one of the most prestigious movie awards in the world in protest of the anti-Islam film that went viral a fewweeks ago. The Iranian government has asked the Oscar committee to condemn the anti-Islam film if it wanted Iran toparticipate and air the event.
Nissan to launch new products in India
Nissan has come up with a global Nissan Power 88 plan under which it will launch new models of automobiles inemerging markets like India and look to increase sales four-fold. As per the plan, two cars will be launched each yearwhich makes it a total of 10 new cars at the end of 2016.
India's nuclear regulatory process to be scrutinized
India's nuclear regulatory process was criticized severely by the government auditors and activists earlier this monthand so the national nuclear power authorities plan to approach the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which isthe world's central intergovernmental forum for scientific and technical co-operation in the nuclear field, to reviewthe same.
Sebastian Vettel wins Singapore Grand Prix
Sebastian Vettel, Red Bull's ace driver, won the Singapore Grand Prix in a comfortable manner once Lewis Hamilton ofMcLaren retired in the race.
Lewis Hamilton was ahead of Vettel from the start of the race and it looked like this would be another feather in theMcLaren driver's cap, however a gearbox failed, giving a major blow to McLaren and Hamilton.
Obama leading with a narrow margin v/s Romney
Democrat candidate and current President of the U.S., Barack Obama is ahead of his Republican counterpart MittRomney by a small margin, according to the latest polls. According to the Wall Street Journal poll, Obama leadsRomney by five points but the difference is further reduced to two points in the key swing states according to anotherpopular poll by the Gallup post.
Read these and more articles here
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