CAT Question of the Day In the following questions a sentence/paragraph is broken into fragments and labelled A, B, C and D. Choose for your answer the combination that shows all the INCORRECT fragments. A. I enjoyed reading the book nevertheless, but at the 80% mark it slowed down drastically, B. and there were places when I felt the story losing focus and meandering around. C. I still hoped it will get back on track by the time it ended, but sadly, no. D. All said and done, historical fiction is one of my favorite genre. OPTIONS | | | 1) | B, C, and D | | 2) | A, B, and C | | 3) | D only | | 4) | A only |
Tip of the Day If x = y(mod z) denotes that when x is divided by z, the remainder is y, then for a prime number, p,
1p - 1 + 2p - 1 +3p - 1 + … + (p - 1)p - 1 = 0(mod p) Last year's Question of the day (24-Sep-11) The coordination and planning began to go awry on June 17, 1876, when Crook's column was delayed after the Battle of the Rosebud. Surprised and, according to some accounts, astonished by the unusually large numbers of Native Americans in the battle, a defeated Crook was compelled to pull back, halt and regroup. Unaware of Crook's battle, Gibbon and Terry proceeded, joining forces in early June near the mouth of the Rosebud River. They reviewed Terry's plan calling for Custer's regiment to proceed south along the Rosebud, while Terry and Gibbon's united forces would move in a westerly direction toward the Bighorn and Little Bighorn rivers. As this was the likely location of Indian encampments, all Army elements were to converge around June 26 or 27, attempting to engulf the Native Americans. On June 22, Terry ordered the 7th Cavalry, composed of 31 officers and 566 enlisted men under Custer, to begin a reconnaissance and pursuit along the Rosebud, with the prerogative to "depart" from orders upon seeing "sufficient reason." Custer had been offered the use of Gatling guns but declined, believing they would slow his command.
What is the underlying feeling throughout the passage?
OPTIONS | | | 1) | It is a sense of impending doom – you know that something is about to go really wrong. | | 2) | It is a sense of satisfaction – you know that the battle will eventually be won by Gibbon and Terry. | | 3) | It is a sense of grief – you feel sad that there was a battle at all. | | 4) | It is a sense of elation – you're happy that Gibbon and Terry have embarked upon a mission that will save mankind. | | 5) | It is a sense of fear – you feel afraid of the violence, destruction and bloodshed as is a part of every battle. |
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