TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 13-Sep-12

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CAT Question of the Day
Answer the question based on the passage given below.

Samaresh Basu would in later days recall the deep impressions that the Brata-kathas (fantastic folk-tales recited by women while performing certain religious rites) narrated by his mother left on him as a child. His adolescent years were spent in Naihati, a suburb of Kolkata, in West Bengal. His life was rich with varied experiences. At one point, he used to hawk eggs from a basket carried on his head; later, he worked for meager daily wages. From 1943 through 1949 he worked in an ordnance factory in Ichhapore. He was an active member of the trade union and the Communist party for a period, and was jailed for during 1949-50 when the party was declared illegal. While in jail, he wrote his first novel, Uttaranga, that was published in book form. Soon after his release from the jail, he began to write professionally, refusing to join the factory even when offered his old job.

Which of the following can be concluded about Samaresh Basu from the passage?

 1)Samaresh Basu had an easy life, free of toil.
 2)Samaresh Basu went to jail for being part of a party that had principles going against the government.
 3)Communism was illegal in 1949-1950.
 4)Samaresh Basu probably decided to become a writer in jail.
 5)Naihati is the village Basu spent his life in.
Tip of the Day
Spelling has also become an important thing to know after this years CAT paper which tested spelling as well. Hence, keep an eye out for the spellings of words.
Last year's Question of the day (12-Sep-11)
Glee is set in Lima, Ohio. Murphy chose a Midwest setting as he himself grew up in Indiana, and recalled childhood visits to Ohio to the Kings Island theme park. Although set in Lima, the show is filmed at Paramount Studios in Hollywood. Murphy has said that he has never seen a High School Musical film, to which Glee has been compared, and that his interest lay in creating a "postmodern musical," rather than "doing a show where people burst into song," drawing more heavily on the format of Chicago. Murphy intended the show to be a form of escapism. "There's so much on the air right now about people with guns, or sci-fi, or lawyers running around. This is a different genre, there's nothing like it on the air at the networks and cable. Everything's so dark in the world right now, that's why Idol worked. It's pure escapism," he said. Murphy intended to make a family show to appeal to adults as well as children, with adult characters starring equally alongside the teenage leads. Murphy has mapped out plans for the series covering three years of broadcast.

Which of the following didn't Murphy have in mind when he constructed the show?
 1)Murphy wanted Glee to be different from High School Musical, to which it has been compared.
 2)Murphy wanted a format of the show that looks like its been filmed in the city of Chicago, rather than Lima, Ohio.
 3)Murphy wanted a show that promised pure escapism – to get away from other dark content on air currently.
 4)Murphy wanted a family show that appealed to adults as well as kids.
 5)Murphy had planned a future for the show.
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