TESTfunda Daily Wordlist 10-Jun-12

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Daily WordlistVocabulary Flashcards | Vocabulary Test | Previous Wordlists
slaked [ sleyk ]
 transitive verb ]
 1. (tr.v.) to quench or satiate a desire or craving
2. (tr.v.) to rejuvenate or invigorate
3. (tr.v.) to disintegrate lime by hydrating it
4. (tr.v.) to curb or diminish
5. (intr.v.) to cause lime to undergo slaking by hydration
6. (intr.v.) to abate or curb
 He slaked his thirst by drinking an entire bottle of cold water.
 This unstable material is then "slaked" in a water bath (a violent chemical reaction during which the rock turns to lime putty).
Telegraph, Property in Hampshire: Old Ship happy to live off the land, Anna Tyzack, 08 Aug 2008
muse [ myooz ]
 noun, intransitive verb, transitive verb ]
 1. (tr.v.) to meditate or think deeply
2. (intr.v.) to ponder or deeply meditate
3. (n.) a dreamy abstraction or a state of deep meditation
4. (n.) a poet
5. (n.) a guiding force or light or the source of one's inspiration
 They often mused about the secrets of the universe.
 His 60,000 photos of the Big Bend must carry countless memories, unspoken things that act as muse and healer both.
CNN, Wide open in West Texas, By Taylor Bruce, January 28, 2009
involute [ adj., n. IN-vuh'-loot; v. in-vuh'-LOOT, IN-vuh'-loot ]
 noun, adjective, transitive verb ]
 1. (adj.) complicated
2. (adj.) having the edge curved inward
3. (n.) a curve traced from the extension of another curve
4. (tr.v.) to coil inwards
5. (tr.v.) to go back to a prior state
 The topic was too involute for him to understand correctly.
 Modelled on a gearbox, presumably that of a see-through Bentley, Richard Mille's chronograph is brimming with innovation: there's an "optimised minute counter" with which to count all those optimised minutes, plus a "torque sensor" and "involute wheel toothing" for the chronophile who has everything, including a dictionary, but not a moment to spare.
The Telegraph, The gear box, Simon arron, 6 December 2003
pigment [ PIG-muh'nt ]
 noun, intransitive verb, transitive verb ]
 1. (n.) a colouring matter or a substance that gives colour to
2. (tr. v.) to colour or add colour to
3. (intr. v.) to become coloured
 Powdered pigment was mixed with oil and used to paint the barn.
 Vitiligo is a condition in which areas of skin lose their normal pigment and become white.
BBC, Pepper 'to treat pigment disease', 14 February 2008.
diverge [ dih-VURJ, dahy ]
 intransitive verb, transitive verb ]
 1. (tr. v.) to branch off or move in different directions from a given point
2. (tr. v.) to swerve, turn aside from or deviate
3. (intr. v.) to deflect or cause to turn away from
 The tourists were told that they were likely to get lost if they diverged from the path.
 But the final results could diverge greatly from the polling numbers because it is more likely that a person who tells a pollster that he or she is going to attend a caucus may not do so.
CNN, Iowa caucuses 101: Arcane rules have huge impact on outcome, 3 January 2008.
Spelled Pronunciation Key
Stress marks: [ CAPS ] indicates the primary stressed syllable,
as in newspaper [NOOZ-pey-per ] and information [ in-fer-MEY-shuh' n ]
[b] boy, baby, rob
[d] do, ladder, bed
[f] food, offer, safe
[g] get, bigger, dog
[h] happy, ahead
[j] jump, budget, age
[k] can, speaker, stick
[l] let, follow, still
[m] make, summer, time
[n] no, dinner, thin
[ng] singer, think, long
[p] put, apple, cup
[r] run, marry, far, store
[s] sit, city, passing, face
[sh] she, station, push
[t] top, better, cat
[ch] church, watching, nature, witch
[th] thirsty, nothing, math
[th'] this, mother, breathe
[v] very, seven, love
[w] wear, away
[hw] where, somewhat
[y] yes, onion
[z] zoo, easy, buzz
[zh] measure, television, beige
[a] apple, can, hat
[ey] aid, hate, day
[ah] arm, father, aha
[air] air, careful, wear
[aw] all, or, talk, lost, saw
[e] ever, head, get
[ee] eat, see, need
[eer] ear, hero, beer
[er] teacher, afterward, murderer
[i] it, big, finishes
[ahy] I, ice, hide, deny
[o] odd, hot, woffle
[oh] owe, road, below
[oo] ooze, food, soup, sue
[oo'] good, book, put
[oi] oil, choice, toy
[ou] out, loud, how
[uh] up, mother, mud
[uh'] about, animal, problem, circus
[ur] early, bird, stirring
[a*] Fr. ami
[kh*] Scot. loch, Ger. ach or ich
[œ] Fr. feu, Ger. schön
[r*] Fr. au revoir, Yiddish rebbe
[uh*] Fr. oeuvre
[y*] Fr. tu, Ger. über
[an*] Fr. bien
[ahn*] Fr. croissant
[awn*] Fr. bon
[œn*] Fr. parfum
[in*] Port. Principe
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