Special newsletter - Article Writing Contest

Read Articles from the Article Writing Contest
You can now read articles that you have been eagerly waiting for. As promised, we have published articles received in response to the article writing contest. Selecting the top three out of quite a few well written articles was a task in itself. Following is a glimpse of the winning articles:
Aashish Belwalkar – Winner
After the limitless dreams of luxurious escapades and recurring visions of indulgent czars encountered during the teenage days are vanquished by the unexpected hard-hitting reality of graduate education, most of us are presented with the classic existential dilemma.....Read more
  Shubhra Trivedi – 1st Runner up
"I don't teach my students what to think, but how to think." –Albert Einstein. In an increasingly competitive world in which the old world charm and placidity is fast being replaced by the new world brashness and hyperactivity, I would like to guide lakhs of Indian undergraduates……Read More
  Aniruddha Jaju – 2nd Runner up
Engineering followed by an MBA. This has almost become a cliché now. And why shouldn't it be? People with an MBA degree from good, reputed institutes earn fat pay packages, get an opportunity to work abroad……Read more
Akshay Tiwari – 2nd Runner up
"Every morning in Africa, when a gazelle wakes up, it knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning a lion wakes up, it knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death…..Read More
Some of the entries were just slightly off the mark because of just one odd parameter or two. We have published two more articles out of the huge pool of entries that we received.
Prateek Kakkar – Participant
A famous dictum by H. Jackson Brown Jr. says "Find a job you like and you add five days to every week." Every professional craves for a dream job, which is a concoction of a handsome financial return, a high regardful designation and an environment where one enjoys his work….Read More
Astha Pandey – Participant
May 11,2012, morning 9 'o clock, I reached office and started walking in the hot dry weather of this wonderful city , heading towards my workstation among a herd of innumerable focused employees….Read More
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