TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 23-Jun-12

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CAT Question of the Day
Only one of the highlighted words labelled A and B  fits meaningfully in the context. Choose the correct combination from the options that would give a set of meaningful sentences in 1 to 4.

i.   He abstracted (A)/ extracted (B) several passages to include in his essay.  
ii.  His arguments and facts did not adhere/ (A) cohere (B), so he lost the case.
iii. A breech (A)/ breach (B) in the cease-fire started the war all over again.
iv. Shakespeare's canon (A)/ cannon (B) contains obscure plays that are rarely performed.

Tip of the Day
A Paragraph Summary is, by definition, shorter than the paragraph it summarises, and hence options that provide specific data- numbers, statistics and superfluous details from the paragraph should be avoided.
Last year's Question of the day (22-Jun-11)
From the following words, identify the word that will make a relationship similar to the first pair.

Epigraph: Dissertation :: Frontispiece
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