TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 22-May-12

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CAT Question of the Day
Identify the correct sentence from the options given below.

A.Yes. Inflation has peaked. 
B.The question is how quickly will it come down.
C.The critical thing at this stage is not just food prices; it is also non-food prices, that is, the so-called core   inflation prices.
D.It will take little bit longer.

 1)A only
 2)C and D
 3)A, B and D
 4)A and C
Tip of the Day
Implied information questions in reading comprehension are not easy. If you have background knowledge in the subject, use it judiciously to check clues in the passage that will lead you to the answer. If you do not have background information, make sure you are confident of your answer.
Last year's Question of the day (21-May-11)
From the given options, choose the one that completes the paragraph in the most appropriate way.

Impossible is Nothing, claims Adidas. At least for those who strap on running shoes as the final element of the accepted couture of the young neta, politics should be the art of anything, including the elimination of corruption from public life. There is no cause for despair or despondency over the overbearing presence of corruption and crime in everyday life.  __________
 1)This process of evolution is not just a function of time, it is also a function of effort, determination and imagination on the part of those in public life.
 2)This is a process of evolution that India, too, has to go through. 
 3)In several democracies, including India, corruption has come down, been contained and relegated to levels of the polity's functioning that interfere with everyday life.
 4)All democracies, including India, have been corrupt, in various ways and to varying degrees.
 5)Public outcry over the visible sordidness of politics and administration is a welcome sign of the maturing of India's democracy.
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