TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 24-Apr-12

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MAT takers
CAT Question of the Day
In the following questions a sentence is fragmented into four parts and labelled 1,2,3,and are parts of a sentence. One of the fragments may caryy a grammatical/usage error in the context of the sentence. Choose the INCORRECT part for your answer. ( If there is no error Choose 5).

The thickly wooded states of (1) /Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand in central India (2)/are homes of millions of (3)/indigenous tribal peoples.(4) No Error (5)
Tip of the Day
In a triangle, the sum of any two sides has to be greater than the third side. Also, if the sum of the squares of the two smaller sides is less than the square of the third side, the triangle has an obtuse angle.
Last year's Question of the day (23-Apr-11)
Another core feature was the establishment of minimum standards of national copyright legislation in that each member state needed to agree to certain basic rules which their national laws must contain, though member states can, if they wish, increase the amount of protection given to copyright owners. One important minimum rule was that the term of copyright was to be a minimum of the author's lifetime plus 50 years. Another important minimum rule established by the Berne Convention is that copyright arises with the creation of a work and does not depend upon any formality such as a system of public registration (Article 5(2)). At the time some countries did require registration of copyright, and when Britain implemented the Berne Convention in the Copyright Act 1911 it had to abolish its system of registration at Stationers' Hall.

According to the passage, which of the following statements are true?
  1. If I had written a novel in the 20th century, I didn't need to comply with the system of public registration to gain copyright over the novel.
  2. The Berne Convention established that after the author's lifetime (and an additional 50 years) a work can be in the public domain.
  3. All member states have certain basic copyright rules that they must adhere to.
  4. The Berne Convention is responsible for providing increased protection to authors.

 1)I, II and III
 2)II, III and IV
 4)I, III and IV
 5)I, II and IV
 6)All the statements are true
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