TestFunda launches AIEEE

20% Off on AIEEE TC
TestFunda introduces AIEEE
"It is said that a job well begun is a job half-done". A lot of you who have passed your 10+2 exams this year in 2011 or who will be appearing for them in 2012 would have dreamt of a career in engineering i.e. B.E./B.Tech degree. The first hurdle that you will now have to cross will be to clear the all-new AIEEE 2012 exam.
So, what is this exam all about? Nothing out of the ordinary actually!! It will only test your concepts from Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics…concepts that you would have learnt in classes XI and XII.
Well, then why should you be worried at all? Haven't you learnt all of this in the last two years? Yes, you have; but please keep in mind that the way you will now appear for this exam will be very different from the way you have been appearing for exams all through your life. Instead of writing long, subjective answers and steps, you will now be expected to choose one out of four options to a question and mark the most appropriate option. While this may not change the concepts that you study, it will definitely require a new approach to attempting the AIEEE exam.
What's more is that with the exam being only 4 months away, you have limited time to not only revise your concepts in these areas but also practise adequately in the way AIEEE requires you to so as to be at your peak performance when the actual exam comes around. What you need at this stage is access to the past AIEEE papers to know exactly what to expect and then the preparedness to tackle multiple mock AIEEE tests to see where you currently stand and how your performance improves over time.
We, at TestFunda.com bring you just that…
Apart from CAT, IIFT, JMET, SNAP and NMAT preparation, we now introduce AIEEE Test Centre
Click here to take the FREE TEST
As an Introductory offer, we are providing a Flat 20% OFF on AIEEE Test Centre
Use Discount code AIEEE12 to avail the same
Click here for courseware details and to PURCHASE
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- For 9 years Zeus has created award-winning courseware for companies like Discovery Channel, Reader's Digest, Texas Instruments, Pearson Education.
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