TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 13-Dec-11

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CAT Question of the Day
Mr. A invests some amount in the share market and doubles it while dealing in the market. Consequently, he also gets Rs. 5,000 from his friends to invest again. He invests all money that he has in the share market again. However, this time he makes a loss of 50%. From the amount now remaining with him, he donates his initial profit. How much money does he now have with him?
 1)Rs. 1,250
 2)Rs. 2,500
 3)Rs. 3,750
 4)Rs. 5,000
Tip of the Day
Use the titles of editorials, articles, and even books to practice 'title' questions in reading comprehension passages. Inverting the question to see why the author chose the title will let you understand the logic used.
Last year's Question of the day (12-Dec-10)
Unjumble the four groups of jumbled phrases given below and identify the one which is grammatically correct.
 1)The minister promised to provide with additional funding, / at the Annual meet for ancient languages / while they had talked, / in order to promote Sanskrit among schools and colleges.
 2)All further efforts to assisting the Navy /at the emergency town meeting, / the sailors had to conclude, / should be withdrawn for lack of public interest and government funding.
 3)But most importantly due to calm seas at that time / it was possible to save the soldiers/ from the sinking ship, / partly due to modern equipment loaded on the helicopter.
 4)The scientist managed to salvage the cloning project, / in spite of the dearth of facilities, / since it did not survive for more than 24 hours/ thus providing us with the world's first cloned pig.
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