TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 03-Nov-11

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CAT Question of the Day
The number of value(s) of m, m ∈ N, for which 44 + 211 + 22m is a perfect square of a natural number is
Tip of the Day
If we take a point anywhere inside the parallelogram and join it with all the four vertices, we get four triangles such that the sum of the areas of both sets of vertically opposite triangles is equal.
Last year's Question of the day (02-Nov-10)
Different glyphs can represent the same grapheme, meaning that they are allographs. For example, the lowercase letter a can be seen in two variants: one with a hook at the top and one without (appearing similar to ɑ, the lowercase letter Latin alpha). Not all graphemes represent phonemes: for example, the logogram ampersand (&), was derived from the Latin word et, and is used for "and" in many languages, and thus does not directly represent any combination of phonemes. Similarly for Arabic numerals.
In some English personal names and place names, the relationship between the spelling of the name and the pronunciation is so distant that it cannot be identified which phonemes represent which graphemes. Examples are Marjoribanks (pronounced Marshbanks) and Featherstonehaugh (pronounced Fanshaw). Not only that, but in many other words the pronunciation has evolved subsequently to the fixing of the spelling, so that it has to be said that the phoneme(s) represent the grapheme(s), not the other way round. And for many technical jargons, the primary medium of communication is the written language and not the spoken language, so again it is clear that the phoneme(s) represent the grapheme(s).

Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?
 1)All graphemes are phonemes.
 2)All phonemes are graphemes.
 3)Some graphemes can represent some phonemes.
 4)Some graphemes are so similar to their corresponding phonemes that it is impossible to tell them apart.
 5)It is wrong to pronounce Marjoribanks as Marshbanks, or Featherstonehaugh as Fanshaw
Final LAP
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