Annual reminder about YouTube’s Terms of Service, Community Guidelines and Privacy Policy


This email is an annual reminder that your use of YouTube is subject to the Terms of Service, Community Guidelines and Google's Privacy Policy. While our Terms of Service remain a legal document, we've done our best to make them easy to understand.


The Community Guidelines which are a part of our Terms of Service, aim to make YouTube a safer community while still giving creators the freedom to share a broad range of experiences and perspectives. The Community Guidelines outline what type of content isn't allowed on YouTube. These policies apply to all types of content on our platform, including videos, comments, links and thumbnails. In addition to Community Guidelines, creators who want to monetise content on YouTube must comply with Monetization Policies.


By way of due diligence as an intermediary we also take this opportunity to remind our users to comply with the Indian Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules.


Please adhere to these terms to maintain continued use of and access to YouTube. Violation of these terms and guidelines may result in warnings or further action including loss of access or termination of all or part of your account.


Thank you for being part of our global community!



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You have received this mandatory email service announcement in connection with your use of YouTube.

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