TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 06-May-14

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CAT Question of the Day
Answer the question based on the information given below.

Women who use anti-depressants may be at increased risk of having a stroke, US researchers suggest. 80,000 women, all aged 54 - 79, took part in the long-running Nurses' Health Study, which has been following women across the US since the mid 1970s. In this study, the researchers looked at data from 2000 to 2006. The study found that women, who had used anti-depressants at any point in the two years prior to the study, had a 39% higher risk of stroke. The study also found that there was an increased risk (29%) for those who had been diagnosed with depression at any point. However, the researchers maintained that the study did not suggest that people should stop their medications (anti-depressants) to reduce the risk of stroke.
Which of the following would resolve the apparent contradiction in the suggestion of the researchers?

Depression can prevent individuals from controlling other medical problems that lead to stroke.
Women who used antidepressants were more likely to be single, smokers, and less physically active.
Depression is a very serious condition which needs to be treated carefully by healthcare professionals.
Women who were more seriously ill were more likely to use antidepressants.
Tip of the Day
Sometimes in Data Sufficiency questions, if you see "two equations - two variables" case, do not conclude that the data is sufficient. We have to make sure that the two equations are neither same nor do they form an inconsistent system of equations.
Last year's Question of the day (05-May-13)
A team of six professors- Govind, Manoj, Prasad, Aravind, Bharath and Raman are scheduled to train newly appointed faculty members.

Each professor trains the faculty members in a different subject among Arithmetic, Logical Reasoning, Puremaths, English, Current Affairs and Communication skills on a different day among Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of a week.

The following information were given about the schedule
  1. Training in Puremaths is scheduled on Tuesday but it is not by Aravind
  2. Govind's session is scheduled on Wednesday but not in Logical Reasoning
  3. The session on Current affairs and Communication skills are scheduled on two consecutive days
  4. Aravind's session is scheduled on the day immediately after the day on which Manoj's session is scheduled.
  5. Prasad's session is on English but it is scheduled neither on Monday nor on Saturday
Then which of the statements in the given options is true?
 1)If Bharat takes the session on Logical Reasoning then Manoj has to take the session on Current Affairs
 2)Govind will be taking the session on Current Affairs
 3)If Aravind's session is on Current Affairs then communication skill's session is scheduled on Saturday
 4)If Raman wants to take the session of Logical Reasoning on Saturday then both conditions 3 and 4 necessarily need to be removed
 5)None of these
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