TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 05-May-14

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 GRE 2014
CAT Question of the Day
There was a card competition organized by a local club association. Eight friends decided to participate and they were wearing shirts of eight different colors - Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Pink, Black, White and Purple – and are sitting at a circular table in clockwise order. Their names are Akash, Bhumika, Charmee, Divya, Emran, Farhad, Gopal, and Harman, in no particular order. Each of them is either facing the centre of the table or facing exactly the opposite direction away from the centre. It is also known that:
  1. Akash is sitting two places to the right of Emran and Emran is sitting two places to the right of Akash. Charmee and Gopal are not sitting at diametrically opposite positions.
  2. Emran is sitting three places to the right of Gopal and two places to the right of Harman.
  3. Bhumika is sitting immediately to the right of Farhad and Harman is sitting immediately to the left of Bhumika.
  4. The person sitting two places to the right of Bhumika is facing away from the centre of the table.
  5. Among the four pairs of friends sitting at diametrically opposite positions, there is just one pair in which the two friends are facing different directions.
If Charmee is wearing the Yellow shirt and is facing East, then which direction is the person wearing the Red shirt facing?

North West
South East
Tip of the Day
In fill-in-the-blank questions, be on the lookout for wrong options that are the exact opposite of the correct one. This is especially relevant when under time pressure, or when the words are of very high difficulty level.
Last year's Question of the day (04-May-13)
From the following words, identify which word will make a similar analogous relationship as the first pair.

Moral : Amoral

 1)Float : Afloat
 2)Kin : Akin
 3)Live : Alive
 4)Political : Apolitical
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