TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 29-Apr-14

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CAT Question of the Day
There are 7 independent coins such that the probability of getting a head on the ith coin is pi.
p1 = 0.1, p2 = 0.3, p3 = 0.3, p4 = 0.4, p5 = 0.5, p6 = 0.6 and p7 = 0.7
Find the probability of getting an even number of heads if these 7 coins are tossed.

Tip of the Day
A common trap in analogy questions is to reverse the correct relationship. Be on the lookout for such options. This is especially important when the relationship is one of degree.
Last year's Question of the day (28-Apr-13)
Answer the following based on the passage given below.

Louis XIV of France has been regarded by historians as the typical absolute monarch - a symbol of his era. Similarly, historians have often referred to this period, when kings dominated their states and waged frequent dynastic wars against one another as an age of absolutism.  Absolute monarchy, admittedly, was not exactly new in Europe. Since the late medieval period, rulers had been attempting to centralize their authority at the expense of feudal nobles and the church. In the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, however, religious strife blurred political issues and somewhat restricted developing monarchies. After the Peace of Westphalia, which ended the era of disastrous religious wars, absolutism rapidly gained popularity because it promised to restore order and security. Parallel economic developments encouraged the maturing of absolutism. As the Spanish and Portuguese overseas empires declined, the Dutch, English, and French assumed commercial and colonial leadership, bringing the European economy to a second stage of expansion. The commercial revolution, cantered in northern Europe, generated great wealth and brought increasingly complex capitalistic institutions, both of which furthered the process of state-building.

According to the passage which of the following factors helped the age of Absolutism in Europe? 
  1. The authority exercised over people by the feudal nobles and the church. 
  2. Peace that prevailed after the religious wars and political chaos of the medieval period. 
  3. The generation of wealth through colonisation and the commercial revolution that followed.
  4. The decline of Spanish and Portuguese overseas empires.

 1)All of the above
 2)B and C
 3)A and D
 4)A, B and C
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