TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 17-Apr-14

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CAT Question of the Day
ABCD is a trapezium with BC || AD. AD = 37 cm and BC = 23 cm. The two angles at the base AD are complementary. On extending AB and CD, they intersect at P. The line parallel to the median PM through C meets AD at K. Find the length of segment CK.

 1)9 cm
 2)15 cm
 3)14 cm
 4)7 cm
 5)13 cm
Tip of the Day
In a triangle, the sum of any two sides has to be greater than the third side. Also, if the sum of the squares of the two smaller sides is less than the square of the third side, the triangle has an obtuse angle.
Last year's Question of the day (16-Apr-13)
Answer the following based on the passage given below.

Materialists, of course, will not affirm immortality of the soul, but they have available an arguably preferable alternative in the form of bodily resurrection. Resurrection is in fact the standard view of the afterlife in all of the major theistic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. To be sure, there is no obvious, inherent incompatibility between the belief in an immaterial soul and the doctrine of bodily resurrection; in fact this combination has been the standard view in theology. But more recently a conflict has been discovered, or perhaps invented, between the views, and in any case those who are committed to materialism on the mind-body issue need to have their resurrection neat, uncontaminated by the suspect belief in immaterial souls.

Why do the materialists need to preserve their doctrine of resurrection neat and uncontaminated by the suspect belief in immaterial souls?
 1)The contamination would equate them with the believers in the immortality of the soul.
 2)The idea of bodily resurrection implicitly includes the belief in the immortality of the soul.
 3)Resurrection is the standard belief in all major religions.
 4)Conflicts have been discovered and can even be invented between the two views.
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