6 Months Study Plan to Crack CAT

 CAT Study Plan
6 Months Study Plan to Crack CAT 2014
Come 1st May and CAT will probably be just 6 months away. If you have started preparing for CAT -or even if you haven't – you still haven't lost anything. You just need to ensure that from now on, you prepare for CAT in a systematic manner giving ample coverage to all the relevant aspects. This is because systematic CAT preparation has to have the correct mix of theory and concepts, practice, simulated testing and detailed analysis.
Based on these principles, we have created a study plan that can help you manage your CAT preparation for the next six months (i.e. the end of October). This involves starting off with theory and practice, then with tests and then come back to revision of important theory topics followed by more practice and tests. However, please keep in mind that a plan like this cannot be directly applied by each student without the student taking into account his/her strengths and weaknesses and the stage at which his/her preparation has reached.
Read the study plan here.
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