TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 29-Mar-14

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 Engineers Month
CAT Question of the Day
Answer the question based on the passage given below.
We, as human beings, all make stupid mistakes once every while. But we do not like to view ourselves as being stupid. Rather, we would like to view ourselves as rational, moral beings. How then, can we maintain that positive self-image after we have done something irrational or immoral? Once we have done something that is not in line with our own thoughts, opinions or values, we get an uncomfortable feeling, better known as 'cognitive dissonance'. It is a drive or feeling of discomfort, originally defined as being caused by holding two or more inconsistent cognitions and subsequently defined as being caused by performing an action that is discrepant from one's customary, typically positive self-conception. The inconsistency that upsets us the most, is the one that threatens our self-image. Because now there is a discrepancy between who we think we are, and the way we behaved. In order to reduce this dissonance we can do three things: adapt our behavior to the dissonant cognition; change a dissonant cognition to justify our behavior; and add a new cognition to justify our behavior.
According to the passage, which of the following would be an example of "cognitive dissonance"?

Everyone knows smoking is bad for health, but still, millions of people around the world smoke daily.
After becoming aware that smoking is bad for health, one gives up the habit of smoking.
A habitual smoker asserts that the research that has been done on cancer as a consequence of smoking is inconclusive.
A habitual smoker quotes the example of a 100 year old grandfather who has been smoking all his life, to justify that smoking isn't that bad after all.
Tip of the Day
A dictionary does not prove as useful as a thesaurus when one is trying to build a strong vocabulary. Whereas a dictionary might help you understand the exact meaning of a word, a thesaurus adds to your vocabulary by introducing a new set of words that have a similar meaning to the original word.
Last year's Question of the day (28-Mar-13)
What will be value of the missing number?

768       7       536

458       ?       229

932       5       621
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