TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 09-Feb-14

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 GDPI 2014
CAT Question of the Day
Arrange the jumbled sentences in order.
  1. Those who assert that CSR is contrasting with capitalism and are in favor of the free market argue that improvements in health, longevity and/or infant mortality have been created by economic growth attributed to free enterprise.
  2. Milton Friedman and others have argued that a corporation's purpose is to maximize returns to its shareholders, and that since only people can have social responsibilities, corporations are only responsible to their shareholders and not to society as a whole.
  3. Some people perceive CSR as in-congruent with the very nature and purpose of business, and indeed a hindrance to free trade.
  4. Although they accept that corporations should obey the laws of the countries within which they work, they assert that corporations have no other obligation to society.

Tip of the Day
Use the content of your CV to lead the interview into your strengths. Be prepared for questions that may come.
Last year's Question of the day (08-Feb-13)
Find the remainder when 22012 is divided by 2012.
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