TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 31-Dec-13

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 LOOT 2013
CAT Question of the Day
Answer the question based on the passage given below.

The future of our planet depends on the world economy's rapid transition to "green growth" – modes of production based on clean technologies that significantly reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Yet, carbon remains badly mispriced, owing to fossil-fuel subsidies and the absence of tax revenues needed to address the global externalities of climate change. In this context, subsidies that promote the development of green technologies are doubly important. First, they nudge pioneers to invest in uncertain, risky ventures, with the resulting research-and-development efforts generating highly valuable social benefits. Second, they counter the effects of carbon mispricing on the direction of technological change. These two considerations provide mutually reinforcing reasons for governments to nurture and support green technologies. Such support has, in fact, become extensive, both in advanced and emerging economies. Look around these economies and you will find a bewildering array of government initiatives designed to encourage renewable-energy use and stimulate green-technology investment. 

The author advocates which of the following in order to encourage "green growth"?
  1.  Full pricing of carbon
  2. Subsidies that increase the profitability of investments in renewable energy.
  3. Carbon mispricing for technological change.
  4. Counter the effects of carbon mispricing.

 1)A, B, C and D
 2)B and C
 3)A, C and D
 4)A, B and D
Tip of the Day
While solving the DI and QA sections, easy questions but with tedious calculations require prior attention. Do not leave them towards the end.
Last year's Question of the day (30-Dec-12)
f(xy) = f(x) + f(y) + k. f(gcd(x, y))

f(x) is a non-zero real valued function.

If x, y ϵ N, which of the following can be the value of k?
 5)Any of the above
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